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CommunityBridge Interviews

Come in and tell your story in your own words. If you need help or would like someone to interview you, Set an appointment to make a plan and discuss the details of your interview.

Step by Step instructions to record a video:

  1. Enter the interview room with the access code: tellme
    Be sure to select your microphone during the login process.
  2. Start your webcam by clicking on the camera icon, below the presentation window.
    You can select or upload a background image and adjust the lighting if needed.
  3. Click on the icon with the plus sign, below the presentation window.
  4. Choose Layout Settings Modal
  5. Select Focus on video
  6. Turn on “Push Layout to all
  7. Click Confirm

Ready to start recording?

  1. Click the “Start Recording” button at top of the presentation window. The button should turn red and show a counter.
  2. When you are done talking, or if you want to pause at anytime, click on the red button to PAUSE the recording. Click again to un-pause and start recording from where you left off.
  3. To save the recording, use the 3 dots on the top left of the presentation window and choose End Meeting.

The video will take a while to compile. If your recording is 10 minutes long it may take 10-15 minutes or longer to compile and appear.
The video compiles when you click “End Meeting”. When compiled, it will appear as a link on the entry page of this room or whatever room you recorded in, above the Join button.
To save the video, right click on it while it is playing and choose to save as MP4.


Collapse recordings

CommunityBridge Interviews
CommunityBridge Interviews
CommunityBridge Interviews
CommunityBridge Interviews