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Community Party Home Page

Here is where we can collaborate on the first impression our Party gives to the digital world. The homepage is our change to briefly communicate the Party’s logo and colors, name and tagline, mission and values, news and updates, contact information, and calls-to-action. What is currently up on is written below. It’s in my humble opinion that we should strive to shorten these without damaging the message. How we should do this is in all of our hands though, and much of what could end up here could simply be snapshots from other pages that explain things in more detail.

Head back to the main document, and feel free to practice your democracy by contributing to the Party’s Party Platform, Bylaws, History, and FAQ!

Community Party

A Party For and By the Community

A Party Democratically Controlled by Monthly Community Assemblies (Perhaps: Democratic Control, Every Month)

What sets the community party apart from the other parties, is that its party decisions are made electorally every month by its members. Each member has the right to attend their monthly assembly and vote on what their local assembly will do as an organization, and also, which of their members will represent them in making decisions for the community party across the country. Every community assembly will have the right to vote to recall their delegate every monthly assembly. This places party decisions into the hands of every member in way not seen in the US thus far. 

Why is it that the Democrats and Republicans Can’t Do What the Community Party Can? (Perhaps: Blue and Red Won’t Keep Us Fed)

The Democrat and Republican parties can not, and will not ever be able to provide this kind of a party structure to their members, because the Democrats and Republicans are structured to prioritize their big private donors. Their big private donors will never allow them to open party decisions to the people at community assemblies, because it could potentially – or more realistically, would always counter – the interest of their big private donors. This is why it is all the more necessary for the people to come together and build a party that assembles the community every month, centers the party decisions into the electoral decisions of the community, and then unites with community assemblies across the country who look to do the same.

Why Have Third Parties Failed to Effectively Contend With the Two Party Monopoly Thus Far? (Perhaps: Why Third Parties Fail)

The vast majority of people in the US are fully aware that both of the two major parties share the same major donors, leading them unite in serving the same financial interests, against the community. This is why there have been many different third parties emerge to challenge the two party monopoly. However, despite the majority of people in the US being very dissatisfied with both of these parties, third parties thus far often fail to place themselves neck and neck with this party. This is because these parties thus far have only separated themselves from the democrats and republicans ideologically, but operate in the same structure that the democrats and republicans do. These parties don’t have the giant private donor base that the two party monopoly has. Because they fail to entirely change the way their members participate in their party decisions, even with third parties, our elections in the US remain a contest between donor size, and not a contest between popular support.

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