ComunityBridge is running BigBlueButton Free Software.
ComunityBridge FAQ
When the BigBlueButton client (window) loads, it makes data connections back to the BigBlueButton server using a web socket connection using encrypted HTTPS.
When BigBlueButton shares your audio, video, or screen, the browser uses the built-in web real-time communication (WebRTC) libraries that transmit real-time protocol packets (RTP) over user datagram protocol (UDP) via Datagram Transport Layer Security (see DTLS). Furthermore, to provide communications privacy for datagram protocols the media packets are encrypted using the Secure Real-Time Protocol. If you think you have found a security issue with BigBlueButton, we ask that you do a responsible disclosure and e-mail the BBB developers directly at: security .at. bigbluebutton .dot. org
They will respond to you quickly, work with you to examine the scope of the issue, and give priority to fixing it as soon as possible.
To share Moderator and Presenter roles, give people the room Moderator access code, or click on their name in the list of users on the left and select 'make moderator'.
To take the role of Presenter, click on the blue circle with the plus sign + below the presentation window on the left and select "Take Presenter".
To enter a room on the CommunityBridge server, all you need is the link to the room and you can enter and start chatting, there is nothing to download or install. BBB works on your phone or in a browser – no APP. You can download the code from GitHub and install an instance on your own webserver, but you do not need to do this to visit a chatroom. BigBlueButton Project
You can use the breakout rooms for live Interpretation.
Using simultaneous interpretation across four languages. Interpreters will need headphones.
1. Open/enter a main ‘live room’ as the Admin and create three breakout rooms, one for each of the other three languages.
2. Each interpreter will need to have two browser tabs open - one in the live main room and one in the relevant interpretation breakout room.
3. Turn your microphone OFF in the main room and turn the headphones ON in the main room (source-language room)
4. Turn the microphone ON in the breakout room where participants will hear the interpretation.
* You will not be able to hear the participants in the breakout room when you are in the main room, but they can communicate by typing in the Public Chat or Shared Notes tabs. Participants in the breakout rooms can also post Public Chat messages to the main room to ask questions or make comments.
CommunityBridge hosts a different BBB server that includes LiveStreaming to YouTube, FaceBook and a few other sites using Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP)
Contact me if you are interested in this feature. micky at