Support a vibrant cooperatively managed community platform.

Admin Fun! Experience the BBB Features

Experience a safer way to chat, using BigBlueButton – fully encrypted and built with powerful features suited for engagement, with many of the same familiar features and some added ingredients. The best part is that our voices are heard when we have suggestions, and we can see the roadmap!

Come in and check out the Administrative features in BigBlueButton chat! Use the Admin Access Code below and when you enter the room you will see all the wonderful tools available to you as an Administrator (moderator and presenter). Click on things! Invite a few friends and explore the options.

If you would like a fun 1 on 1 tour of the features, you can schedule an appointment.

Watch a short video overview of key features available in BigBlueButton. See the FAQ

To enter the Demo chat room as a Moderator/Presenter, use the Admin Access Code: tools
