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CommunityBridge Town Hall

A meeting place for cooperators.

WHAT : Join us for some open discussions on worker-owned cooperatives.
Learn how cooperatives work by talking with worker-owners that currently belong to a cooperative. Share information on governance, structure, policies, methods and practices. Democracy at Work is the inspiration for this ongoing conversation.
We will also be addressing other sub-topics in the future – Sociocracy, Privacy, Free Software and suggested topics from CommunityBridge members.

To be notified by email, get on the CommunityBridge Town Hall mailing list where you can share information, suggest topics of discussion for future gatherings and receive notice of future events.

NEXT: CommunityBridge Town Hall – June 5th at 7pm EST MeshTastic

When Governments shut down our Internet, there will be few ways to get info or contact each other.
Better start thinking on it… NOW.

For long distance emergency communications, there is Meshtastic . We are learning about Meshtastic, an emergency communications method and protocol, based on MeshNets (decentralized network). The group has members at all levels of technical skill/knowledge, and we are working together to figure it all out. To find a Mesh network in your area, see the MeshMap. Do not be discouraged if there are few or no Mesh nodes nearby – be the first and share the info, and the network will grow.

Here is the Etherpad for asynchronous, anonymous discussion and ideas. This is where meeting dates and locations as well as updates or news will be for now:

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